A practical and affordable solution for a healthy business
Rick van der Gaag, Project Manager Schoonmakend Nederland

Rick van der Gaag is project manager for entrepreneurship at Schoonmakend Nederland, the trade organisation for the cleaning sector in the Netherlands. He supports cleaning companies in their operations and promotes entrepreneurship within the sector. He also advises on risk management and insurance to ensure business continuity. In addition, the industry has its own quality mark and, after a thorough analysis of its contents, is very enthusiastic about the NIS2 Quality Mark – a practical standard for safe operations within the supply chain.
What does your own quality mark entail?
Rick: ‘Our standard is called ‘Keurmerk Schoon’. This mark stands for the professionalism and financial reliability of cleaning and window-cleaning companies. It focuses primarily on compliance with the law, especially in administration and business operations.’
Can you explain this in more detail?
Rick: ‘Our mark, similar to the NIS2 Quality Mark, includes chain responsibility but in a very different area – specifically ethical and decent working practices. There are several criteria for assessment, such as paying taxes and premiums correctly, adhering to the collective labour agreement (CAO) and maintaining good governance. An independent certification body assesses this twice a year, once with a comprehensive audit and once with a mandatory audit.’
‘Cleaners work with a wide range of clients, including hotels, holiday parks, railway stations, public spaces and government buildings. Chain responsibility is crucial to ensure that people are treated fairly and that wages are paid correctly. In hotels, for example, staff should not be paid per room. Our label ensures that these kinds of misunderstandings are avoided.’
What is the general attitude towards quality labels and standards? Are people enthusiastic about them or is there initial resistance?
Rick: ‘There is definitely resistance because a standard should not add another layer of administration. The success of a label also depends on the extent to which customers demand it. Initially companies are enthusiastic, but after a few audits they start to weigh up the costs and benefits. Ensuring that members continue to embrace the label remains a point of attention.’
What is your view of the NIS2 Quality Mark for SMEs as a cyber security standard?
Rick: ‘At first, I was hesitant because cybersecurity often doesn’t directly relate to a company’s core activities. But as soon as you open the newspaper you read about hacking, and recently there’s been a lot of talk about NIS2 and cybersecurity. So it’s important to pay attention to that, because large companies are going to make requirements of their suppliers, including smaller companies.’
‘It’s important to find a very practical and affordable solution that doesn’t disrupt ongoing business operations, and with a lot of support for the company. That’s exactly what the NIS2 Quality Mark offers. The fact that 75 industries are already participating in Samen Digitaal Veilig (Together Digital Safe), and that together we are reaching 125,000 companies, makes me very optimistic.’
How are IT security and secure digital operations generally managed among your members?
Rick: ‘This varies greatly. Larger companies often have dedicated departments, while smaller companies pay less attention to it. It’s generally not the most popular topic of discussion among business owners.’
Do you think the NIS2 Quality Mark can ultimately help your members?
Rick: ‘I certainly think it can be a solution. It’s important to start now and take steps gradually so that you have everything in order later on. It is also a competitive advantage if you are prepared.’
What do you tell your members when there is potential resistance regarding cyber security and the upcoming NIS2 directive?
Rick: ‘Start today and take the necessary steps one step at a time. The things you need to do as a business in terms of secure operations make sense, and it’s better to start now than to be surprised by obligations later. Again, the standard gives entrepreneurs a head start over other companies and prevents a lot of aggravation and potential damage down the line.’