News NIS2 QM10 Basic: an important first step towards a secure supply chain The NIS2 QM10 Basic certification offers companies a practical, affordable approach to meeting the NIS2 directive. Bitsight incorporates NIS2 Quality Mark into GRC software Bitsight has integrated the NIS2 Quality Mark into its software to better help customers manage cyber risk and comply with the NIS2 Directive. Techone is the first company in the Netherlands to receive the NIS2 Quality Mark certificate Dr. Peter Noordhoek, director-secretary of the Stichting Kwaliteitsinnovatie , presented the certificate to Techone in the presence of DigiTrust , an independent body that carried out the audit. Launch of NIS2 Quality Mark Audits and Certification Cybersecurity reporter Jan Meijroos spoke with Peter Noordhoek, Secretary-General of the Foundation for Quality Innovation, the holder of the NIS2 Quality Mark. BNR: ‘The NIS2 Quality Mark is a brilliant solution!’ In a recent radio interview Peter Noordhoek, Secretary-General of the Foundation for Quality Innovation, discussed the value of the NIS2 Quality Mark. NIS2 Quality Mark launched On October 10, the NIS2 Quality Mark for Europe was officially launched during a press conference.